Sunday, April 28, 2013

Going away party...

Some of the people that we have befriended over the past year threw a little party for us and another family that is moving as well. It was a beautiful day and everyone had such a great time eating and hanging out in the sunshine. I just heard on the radio this morning that we may get some snow by the end of the week. Will this winter weather ever end??

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Tuesday, April 23, 2013

A fresh start

It has been a long time since I quit the last blog and I have been searching for a good way to share pictures and stories with our family and friends in the meantime.  I have tried a couple of different things but nothing that was easy for both me and the people I was trying to reach. So I decided to start a new blog without my children's first or last names, just using initials. I have really missed having a outlet for my thoughts and having an easy way to share all that is going on in our lives. I hope that you all enjoy it as much as I do and continue to read despite all the time off that we've had from blogging.

As most of you reading this know, we are getting ready for yet another big move. This time hopefully being the last. We are moving back to our home state and will be close to both our families. We are really looking forward to this fresh start, we hope to really settle in for the long haul and make this our home forever. I will be sure to keep you all updated on what is going on with everything. As of right now Dan will start his new job on May 13th, and the kids and I will stay back until the house sells (hopefully soon). Beyond that we know nothing. We are learning to trust in God's plan and timing, not an easy task.