Tuesday, October 29, 2013

My baby is 5 already....

What a fun busy week we had last week. It started out with a Halloween party downtown. The kids were so excited about getting dressed up BEFORE Halloween. We had a Luke Skywalker, a Obi-Wan, a princess, and a chicken. The old theater in town hosted a party with cartoons, candy, some games and cake. Then all the downtown businesses were handing out candy as well. It was really cold but the kids didn't mind, they were so excited.

Then on Sunday it was E.'s big 5th birthday. I really can not believe that he is that old already. We woke up and had chocolate chip pancakes (sort of a birthday tradition here) and opened presents. After Mass we met up with some friends to eat pizza, go bowling and have some cake. E. was very vocal about how his cake was to be made; chocolate with vanilla frosting ("because chocolate and chocolate would be too much mom, and might make me sick") and of course, sprinkles.

We had a very good time and now we have 2 more birthdays this weekend! Good thing we all like cake. :)
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Thursday, October 24, 2013

Fire and snow....

This week at library story time they brought in real firefighters and a real fire truck! The kids were so excited (so was I). The firefighters were really nice and talked about fire safety (of course) and then everyone got to sit in the fire truck. It was a super fun day and now they all want to be firefighters. :)

Today we woke up to snow! This has been the craziest fall weather I can ever remember. We started out this month with over 70's and now it snowing and it is supposed to keep snowing all week. The kids are over the moon about the snow and have been playing outside all morning (we declared it a snow day and will finish school in the afternoon).  Homeschooling can be really hard sometimes, you have to take advantage of the few perks that come with it. :)

P. really wanted to join in the fun so I set him on the porch for a minute and he got to touch the snow. He didn't want to come back in.

This is our future wood stove hearth. Dan is hoping to have it done by next week. I can not wait to have the warmth of a wood fire to keep us warm on these cold winter days to come. I love a wood stove and think a house is so much more cozy with one.

Stay warm everybody!
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Monday, October 14, 2013

Dan's birthday!!

Yesterday was Dan's birthday and we kept in very low key but still had a nice joy filled day. We went to mass and then picked up pizza for lunch. We headed back home and did a little painting in the bedroom (his choice). In our house the birthday person get a home cooked meal and dessert of their choice and Dan wanted spagetti and meatballs with pumpkin pie for dessert. Then we watched the new Star Trek movie after the kids were in bed. We are all so blessed to have Dan in our lives I can't imagine a better husband or father. God has truly blessed us. Here's to many, many more birthdays to come.
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Sunday, October 6, 2013

Pumpkin farm....

It has been raining here non stop for several days now but yesterday the weather broke just long enough for us to make a quick trip to the pumpkin farm. We bought some fruit, saw chickens, pigs, sheep, and explored the hay maze. It was a fun time and we were happy to get out of the house for a few hours.

Our little baby started walking 2 days ago! I can't believe that he is getting so big! Time has really gone by so quickly this past year. I hope that now that we are in our new house things really slow down for us this winter. We'll see..

These are the kind of sheep I want to get for our homestead. I need to get special permission to have farm animals here but everyone I talk to thinks that it won't be a big deal. I hope not.
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