Monday, April 27, 2015

Our new little Christian....

Our sweet baby Blaise got baptized this weekend. It was so nice. His godparents live in Washington and were unable to come out for it but they bought his beautiful outfit for him. Doesn't he look so handsome?
My mom and aunt came down for 2 days so they could be here for it, which was nice. It was a really beautiful baptism and we had several friends come and celebrate with us. It made us feel loved.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Patrick the mess maker...


Patrick is at a very BUSY age. I never can take my eyes off of him. NEVER. I decided to document a few days worth of Patrick messes just for fun so I could look back on this in a few years and laugh because most days I can not see the humor in all this but I know someday I will.
So Tue. is a very busy morning for us, Elijah has "Nature School" and we leave the house a little after 8am. Before we even left the house Patrick dumped all the q- tips into the sink and filled it with water. Awesome.

Then when I got back downstairs from cleaning that mess I found this in the cat's water dish. No idea where he got the money. Don't know, don't care.

We managed to leave the house and then we were in town all morning running errands. We got back in time for a quick lunch and then about an hour later we leave to go pick up Jude from school. Patrick is potting training so while I was cleaning up a pee mess (that is why he is wearing p.j. pants at 2pm) he got into the sugar jar and spilled it all over the floor.

So that was Tue., then on Wed. morning we woke up to this;

SNOW. You can see I was unprepared by the clothes hanging on the clothesline, that is how nice it was on Tuesday. Oh Michigan how I hate you in the spring.

So needless to say we were inside for most of the day. Which can be a long day for little kids who have been inside all winter. I was upstairs nursing the baby for 10 minutes, that's it, and I came downstairs to this mess. Now, I know what you are thinking. What is wrong with you put everything out of reach!! But we are doing work in the kitchen and I have no upper cupboards right now so it's a little hard. Anyway, he can't be two forever so someday I will get to sit down again.. Let's hope Blaise is a little less active at 2. :)

Thursday, April 16, 2015

new camera....

I got a new camera this week. The old one was not working, the flash and the battery both had problems. I have always wanted a slr camera and so we bit the bullet and spent the extra money to be able to take good pictures. I am having so much fun with it! So hopefully that means more pictures here  on the blog too. :) This blog is the worst for showing picture quality but here are a few of my favorites from today.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Easter in Wyandotte...

We decided to go down to Dan's family in Detroit for the Easter holiday. This year it lined up with the school's spring break so we were able to take a longer trip and see a couple of fun things as well. For Good Friday we drove to Detroit and went to an old Polish church called Sweetest Heart of Mary, it was SOOO beautiful even the kids were making comments about how beautiful it was. I so wish we had a beautiful church here to go to every week. It's inspiring and evokes more reverence I think.

We went to the Henry Ford Museum one day with all the kids and Dan's parents. It was so much fun. Every time we go there is always something new to see and the kids love it.

Check out Therese in this picture. Such a grump! I hope you all had a great Easter as well.