Monday, August 12, 2013

Old time fair...

This weekend we drove up to an old time fair that had demonstrations about life during the turn of the century and the best part, it was all free. We learned a lot and the weather was perfect all day.

After we left the fair we went to the coast of Lake Michigan, so beautiful. Makes me so happy to be back in Michigan.
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Tuesday, August 6, 2013

The end is near...

We are in the homestretch of our journey to being homeowners. We have only a couple of weeks left. In more good news we were finally able to find a rental that was in our price range and would rent to us with 4 kids in tow. It is so nice to be out of the camper. We have running water and a hot shower, real beds to sleep in and a full size kitchen to cook in. It really does put things in perspective when you go without things for so long.
 The above picture is P. finding my wallet with my rent money in it. I don't normally carry that much cash. I couldn't resist the photo.

This week was also the start of the fair here in town and of course I remembered to bring my camera only to discover that the battery was at home being charged. :) We had a good time though. We meet our new friends there (the same ones that came and hung out at our campsite with us). It was family day and the whole family got in for only $1!! Can't beat that.

We are starting to feel a little more settled in; like we aren't just on a long bad vacation. Having friends really helps. This week I had someone from our church offer to do my laundry for me. Not just come and "use my washer" but washed and folded my laundry. I couldn't go over there because the kids were sick and I didn't want to pass anything on and she says" No problem I will do it here and you can come pick it up." Not too many people would do that, let alone for someone they just met. I am overwhelmed with how much all these people from our parish have gone out of their way to welcome and help us.

It had me thinking this week about friendships and how we use that phrase "give and take" and how the take is often harder then the give. With giving we feel good about ourselves but with taking we are humbled. But I truly feel both are needed in any good relationship. Anyway, enough of my random thoughts. I will keep you all posted with the house.

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