Monday, March 28, 2016


 Easter was a really wonderful day. We got up early and the kids came down and dove right into their easter baskets. Then we headed off to mass. This is the ONLY picture I got of everyone all dressed up. I know I am kicking myself but it was a busy day and it just never worked out that I was able to take pictures before Mass.

Right after Mass we went to a friends house for brunch and an egg hunt. It was super fun and very very muddy and everyone ruined their beautiful Easter clothes because I forgot a change of clothes for everyone. I soaked everything so hopefully some of it can be salveged.

After that we headed home and just had a light dinner and colored eggs. It was a great relaxing and fun day for everyone. Happy Easter! I hope you all had a wonderful day as well.

Monday, March 7, 2016


It's that time of year again...spring haircuts. Even Blaise got the clippers this time. He looks so different. The funny thing is all the kids were freaking out about it, saying they didn't want his hair cut and he is just a baby...they are so protective. Jude and Elijah still need haircuts but I am going to bring them in to get it done.

The sun is shining and it's 45degrees outside, I'm going to enjoy it! Have a great day.

Friday, March 4, 2016

Blaise 13 months...

 Oh my goodness, look at my baby! He is getting way too big, too fast. He is into everything and exploring as much as he can. He is the sweetest, most cuddly baby I have ever had. He is very quiet too and hasn't really said any words yet. He figures there is enough talking going on in this house already.

Dan finished the mud room last weekend. Everything is done, the painting, the light fixture, all done and I love it! It makes life so much easier for a big family to have somewhere to put all the winter gear. It keeps the dirt a little more contained too.

Have a great weekend everyone.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Poetry Tea Time....

 Today is the first of March and we are getting a fresh dusting of snow. We have about 3 inches and it's still snowing right now. Ahh, spring in Michigan.
 I included this one as proof that I really do Therese's hair, she just never keeps it in.

 The kids and I have been doing tea time once a week, it's awesome. We go over manners and we read poems. They are all in the process of memorizing a poem as well. They love it and it's been a nice way to deal with the afternoon slump that is so hard to handle in the winter.

That's all for now.