Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Our week...

   We made it to the library program this week and they had a juggler and the "reading" dog there. The kids really enjoyed it and it was nice to get out and do something.
 When the heat finally broke we went to the nature preserve in town and took a hike after Dan got off work. It is so nice to live in a place that we can all go hiking as a family again.

Last weekend we invited our friends over ( the only friends we have so far) over for dinner and s'mores. It was really fun and everyone had a good time. We are so happy to have made friends already in the short time that we have been here, it makes it feel more like home.

Monday the kids and I heading up to the UP but had to come back on Wed. because T. and P. got sick. BUMMER! On a better note, only about 4 weeks until we can get in our house!!! Oh my gosh I can't wait!
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Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Fourth of July ( a little late)....

We spent 4th of July this year up in northern MI with all of Dan's dad's family. We had such a great time and the weather was perfect the whole time, not too hot but sunny and warm. We went jet skiing, and swimming and ate tons of great food. The evenings were spent playing games and visiting. It was such a nice break in the routine for us.

Right after that we headed back to camping and T. got sick the first night back, throwing up everywhere and crying. It was poring rain and the other kids had no where to go. It was horrid. So the kids and I packed up and headed to my in laws house for the week. That also was fun. We went to the Henry Ford Museum and the street fair. Now, it's back to the old camper. We have 6 weeks left before we can move into our house. I am not sure how we are going to survive. I will keep you posted...
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