Saturday, June 22, 2013

A week of fun....

This week J. went to Vacation Bible school at our new parish. It was Mon.-Fri. from 9 until 2:30. It was a long week for him but he really enjoyed himself and we all made some new friends. The other moms and I would hang out at the park and do picnic lunches with the little kids. It was fun to meet other moms and visit. The weather was perfect too.

However, by Friday I think that everyone was feeling a little worn out and tired and at mass ( we started each day with a mass) E. and T. were acting up and J. kept saying he didn't want to go to VBS so we played hooky for the rest of the day and went to the History Center that has a Lego display on loan right now. There was also a huge cherry pit play area and lots of other things for kids to do. It was time and money well spent because we all needed to unwind a little.

Yes, that is all legos! Hard to believe but true. In other news, P. has learned to crawl and is getting into all kinds of new trouble.

We also have a close date on the house; Aug. 2nd! SOOOO far away. I hope I can make it that long.
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Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Oh Mr. Sun, Sun, Mr. Golden Sun....

The boys decided to brave the water today. The sun came out for a little bit, long enough to warm it up to a blazing 70 degrees but that was enough for them. They didn't last long though, 20 minutes and they were cold enough to come back in. The rest of the morning was spent at the library and the thrift store. A good day, a very good day.
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Sunday, June 9, 2013

Our big move...back HOME!


So much has happened since the last post I don't even know where to begin. We'll start with the move. We closed on our house in Iowa AND bought a house here in Michigan. It has been a long very hard couple of weeks for us but we are seeing the end of the tunnel now. We have been camping (in a camper) for the last couple of weeks. It hasn't been as bad as I thought it would be honestly, but far, far from easy. It has been cold and rainy so we have made several trips to the library and the mall to try and get out of the camper for a little bit. When the weather is nice it's great. The boys love being outside riding their bikes and playing in the woods around the campsight. We go for walks down to the beach and the playground.

On Thur. the water pump for the camper wouldn't shut off so Dan had to cut all the power in the camper. The kids and I heading to the Childrens Museum for the day because it was very cold and rainy and with no power there is no heat. They had such a good time. However, I decided that we needed a better solution so we left that night (just the kids and I) up to Dan's aunt's summer house about 2 hours away.

We are so blessed to have people in our life who are willing to step in and help us out when we are in need. Dan's Aunt and Uncle have been very kind in letting us stay here for a little while and the kids have been really enjoying life on the water. This weekend Dan drove up and spent some time with us. We are hoping that we close on our house in the next couple of weeks so life can go back to some sort of normal. In the meantime, we are greatful for genourous family, beautiful summer weather, and the hope of something better around the corner.
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