Monday, September 30, 2013

Michigan fall...


Fall in Michigan is the best time of year, in my opinion. I can't think of any season in any other place that I would enjoy more. The mornings have been cool and the days have been sunny and warm. Just perfect.
We have so many projects that we are working on and little time to do them, but we just had to take a break this weekend for a little walk as a family to enjoy the weather.  

We went just down the road to the state campground which has access to the water and paved walkways (great when pushing a stroller).  The kids didn't want to leave them were having so much fun.
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Tuesday, September 24, 2013



Well, I did promise some pictures of the house, so here are a couple that I took over a week ago. My house is far from clean, sorry. I have found this move to be very long and drawn out as far as the unpacking and organizing. It doesn't help that we don't have a bedroom yet so not everything has a place yet. We'll get there, but it will take some time. I am trying not to rush anything. Knowing that we will be here forever, I have no reason to be in a hurry.

Here is our new piano. We got it free from friend of a friend. Jude started his lessons this week and loves them. His teacher is super sweet and very good with kids. I think this is going to be really good for Jude and I hope that he goes far with it.

There is so much other news I don't even know where to start, life has been very full and busy for us (in a good way). The kids are loving our new house and spends hours every day outside playing and exploring. We have been doing school for a couple of weeks now and that is also going really well. I am using a new program this year and I LOVE it. It is SOOO much better then anything else I have used and it makes my life so much easier because all the work is done for me. I don't have to add anything to the lessons or come up with things to fill in the blanks, it's a great program.

Our computer and camera have both been acting up but we seemed to have fixed both problems so hopefully we will be able to be more regular with the posting now. Also we will be getting a land line this week because my cell is not working. I lost all my contacts as well so please contact me with your info if you can. (Email or Dan's cell). Have a great day.
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Sunday, September 8, 2013

First week of school 2013...

I can not believe that we have been in our house for 2 weeks already. The time has just flown by! We started school this past week and have been very busy with house stuff so there has not been much down time. We did manage to meet our new friends at the park this week. It is really close to the house and it is all fenced in (so great when you have a lot of kids running around). We are soaking up the sun as much as we can this week because we know it will not last long.

Today (Sunday) is Blessed Mother Mary's birthday so we celebrated by dressing up for Mass and making a cake and singing her happy birthday. The kids love being in the kitchen with me stirring and measuring with me, and I love that they want to help (well most of the time, sometimes it can get a little crowded in my little kitchen).

here are a couple shots of the master bedroom the Dan has been working on every spare minute for the last 2 weeks. He is working on the drywall now so I am hoping to be in the room by next week. We'll see..  I will post more pictures of the room when it's done. As for the rest of the house, I will post pictures of the whole house when I remember to take some on a day when it is clean (which doesn't happen much so it might be awhile). :)



This is a random picture from a few weeks ago but it makes me smile every time so I thought I would share it. I mean how can you not smile at that, right? He is getting so big! 10 months already! He is almost walking now and loves to play with his older brothers and sister SO much he wants so much to be with them at all times, and for the most part they are really good about including him.

OK, that's all for now. Have a great week.
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