Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Oh Mr. Sun, Sun, Mr. Golden Sun....

The boys decided to brave the water today. The sun came out for a little bit, long enough to warm it up to a blazing 70 degrees but that was enough for them. They didn't last long though, 20 minutes and they were cold enough to come back in. The rest of the morning was spent at the library and the thrift store. A good day, a very good day.
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  1. WOW! Dan's Aunt's house is beautiful!! Looks like the boys were having fun. I sure do miss seeing you guys!!

  2. Hello!!!!
    I finally got your blog sight. The kido's sure are getting big! How are you doing? Wish I had a big enough house for you to come and stay up here. We all miss you guys! Hope to see you soon!!!
    Love you. Auntie Cindy
