Thursday, December 19, 2013

Christmas party fun...

Dan's work Christmas party was last weekend and his parents came up for the weekend to watch the kids and help out. The party was held at the Great Wolf Lodge and then we all got free passes for the water park for the next day. It was SOOO much fun. Everyone had a good time, even Patrick. There was something for everyone at the water park and everyone was super well behaved which makes for a much better day all around. There was also a lot to do outside the water park like story time, a magic quest game, an ice cream parlour, and an arcade. We pretty much just stayed in the water park though. The work party was a really nice night out for Dan and I as well. We haven't been out in so long it was fun to get dressed up and act like a real adult for the whole night.  

Our friends came over this week to help us decorate cookies. It was a huge mess, but tons of fun. We try to cut back on all sweets durning advent so we didn't keep many for ourselves but we'll be sure to make another batch on Christmas.
Only a couple of days left until Christmas, I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas!
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  1. Hi,
    I love seeing the kids. I laughed out loud when I got a good look at Patrick. You have your hands soooo full. Terese is beautiful and I secretly hope Father Marion might be able to take a peek at your blog. We love you..I miss you heaps..Robyn

  2. Everyone looks so "grown up"! I can't wait to see you!! Merry Christmas and I LOVE all the pictures.
